Sensitive Content Can Be Hidden in Screen Sharing with Android 15


with Android 15 screen sharing while or screenshot Certain areas can be prevented from appearing while recording. The alternative to the feature called sensitive content protection has been available for a long time. Discord It is also used on .

Sensitive Content Protection Comes with Android 15

According to the recently released Beta version, Google has confirmed that the upcoming Android 15 To prevent information from appearing unintentionally during screen broadcasting and recording screenshots for privacy update will present.

Users who activate developer options can also disable screen sharing protection from here if they wish. This feature is currently Android 15 Beta 1.1 shown in version. Similar to the same feature “Broadcaster Mode” It is also available in the Discord application under its name. In this way, sensitive content can be hidden in the Discord application during the broadcast.

Berk, who started his editing career four years ago, now continues his writing duties through the Technopat portal. Although he has been interested in hardware, computers and operating systems for a long time, he shares this experience with you.

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