HAWKED Gets Biggest Update for PC and Console
Publisher The 4 Winds Entertainment and developer MY.GAMES are excited to announce that the biggest update to date for treasure hunting and shooting game HAWKED will be released on April 18, 2024. New features that will add excitement to the gameplay will be active with this update. With this update, HAWKED aims to provide an improved experience to players all over the world.
The three main focuses of the update will be the new “Miracrium Rush” mode, “Treasure Hunt” and “Lone Hunter” to be added to the main gameplay modes, new Sergeant types and three new Artifacts.
“Miracle Rush” Mode
“Miracle Rush”, an exciting PvP mode that will add excitement to the treasure hunting adventure, is preparing to shake the foundations of the gaming experience.
In “Miracrium Attack”, players will face each other in groups of two, unlike traditional modes, and they will try to dig Miraculums and send them from the Sürgünada map. With randomly placed Miraculous locations and an immersive experience, the “Miracle Rush” mode requires players to strategize, fight and send Miraculouses within a limited time. Additionally, since players will not die permanently in “Rush on the Miraculous”, the action and excitement will continue throughout the game.
New Stealer Types in Main Gameplay Modes
New Sniper types added to the main gameplay modes “Treasure Hunt” and “Lone Hunter” aim to enrich the gameplay experience. These new modes offer players new challenges and opportunities. Subterranean fire monsters emerge from the island’s igneous layer, ready to fight anyone who tries to challenge the rule of the reptilian hordes.
Work Collection Expands
Three new Artifacts have also been added to the game based on player feedback and requests. The Artifacts that will be on the map in this update will further expand the possibilities in the game world and offer new items for collectors to pursue.