Bounty Hunter Missions Coming to GTA Online
With the update coming this summer for GTA Online by Rockstar Games, brand new Bounty Hunter missions will be added to the game. announced.
Here’s the company’s description of the update: “This summer, take on your own business of redemption and bounty hunting in GTA Online’s next major update.” The vagaries of southern San Andreas Time to do some (high value) target practice to clear your bums. Meanwhile, back in the city, Vincent needs help enforcing his authority without official oversight – get behind the wheel of your souped-up Cruiser and head to Los Santos’ Carry out a series of unregistered practice activities. Plus, new vehicles and accessories to create custom, high-octane Drift and Drag Races in Creator, and much more later this month.â€
The update will also add some new vehicles and increase payouts for certain events like Taxi Run, Open Wheel Races, and Paper Trail Operation. ±will happen. Custom drift racing tracks and drag racing tracks, as well as new units and more on all tracks, from donut-doing drivers to jumping lowriders and crowd animations. Thanks to the GTA Online Creator mode is also being developed.
Creators can now start tests from any chosen checkpoint, and Drag Racers now have the option to run multiple laps before a winner is declared. ± and a host of new improvements designed to help the community create and share races, deathmatches, and more half It will be easier to test things.