Eyes on Innovation: Computer Vision Technology Will Transform European Business Productivity

Panasonic Connect

European decision-makers believe that IT Vision applications, powered by advances in Generative Artificial Intelligence, will enable businesses to break through the productivity glass ceiling in 2024 and within the next three years. that it will help him overcome ± predicts.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) around the day, artificial intelligence and the exclusion of the Chatgpt, the use of the EU structures and video and observation of the revolutionary innovation that revolutionizes It saturates the media environment until 1000’s.

However, some recent research suggests that this situation is about to change. At the forefront of this transformation is Computer Vision technology, which is poised to take on the responsibility of realizing the full potential of AI, potentially surpassing even the predictions of the Gartner Hype Cycle. ı tiring. This technology comes with tremendous timing for European businesses.

Over the last decade, productivity growth has largely stagnated. Despite advances in technology and increases in workforce education and skills, the expected increase in productivity has not been met.

Economic analysts attribute this recession to a complex web of factors, including aging infrastructure, regulatory hurdles and hesitancy across all sectors to fully embrace digital transformation He says this. The ongoing challenges that have emerged in the wake of financial crises and geopolitical uncertainties have further complicated the landscape, forcing cautious investment strategies and a focus on short-term stability over long-term innovation. caused.

However, in this context, the adoption of Computer Vision technology supported by advances in Generative Artificial Intelligence can help businesses finally break through the productivity glass ceiling. A recent survey among AI business decision-makers reveals a striking consensus: Computer Vision applications will be on the rise within the next three years if adopted. It is expected to increase productivity by an average of 42 percent. The manufacturing sector, in particular, stands on the verge of a transformative leap, with productivity increases of up to 52 percent. According to research, Computer Vision is rising towards the Productivity Plateau defined by the Gartner Hype Cycle for Artificial Intelligence.

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Eyes of artificial intelligence

Often described as the “eyes of artificial intelligence,” Computer Vision enables computers and systems to extract meaningful information from digital images. This technology observes, identifies, classifies, tracks, and interprets images as actionable “information” that can be read by humans or complementary artificial intelligence systems. It paves the way for superior analysis.

The versatility of Image Processing covers everything from repair and maintenance to production line monitoring and quality control, to safety, health, logistics, supply chain management, additional time projection This is evident from its widespread application in many business departments, from mapping to people tracking. This wide range of uses underlines the transformative potential of Image Processing technology.

But the research does not only bring good news; there are still obstacles to overcome. Despite their enthusiasm for the technology, survey participants still report significant difficulties in using it. Respondents point to a lack of external expert support (37 percent) and difficulties maintaining Computer Vision expertise within organizations (33 percent) as primary barriers.

In addition, the fact that it is spoken to see the applications with artificial intelligence -supported computer, data destruction, personal privacy, lack of institutional guidance, and work, and the mixed fears between the work. Since these are the biggest concerns in the world, important ethical concerns are also on the agenda.

Wide adoption of Generative AI also stands out

However, organizations seem determined to overcome these challenges to win the productivity reward at the end of the difficult road. The enthusiasm for artificial intelligence does not end with Computer Vision; Wider adoption of Generative Artificial Intelligence is also growing rapidly. According to the research, more than two-thirds (67%) of respondents think that using productive AI is important for their business. In light of the fact that more than a third (37%) are taking advantage of solutions already implemented and an equal proportion are in the planning or implementation stages, artificial intelligence Ä The trend appears strong. A minority remains hesitant, continuing to consider the broader challenges and considerations accompanying the integration of AI into business applications.

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The results of this research reveal that business leaders see that Computer Vision applications offer a huge opportunity for European businesses. Increase productivity by automating complex processes, improving decision-making with deep data insights, and promoting innovative services and products They consider it as a chance to overcome the obstacles in front of them. A broader transition towards a future where technology and human ingenuity combine to overcome the productivity stagnation plaguing Europe’s economic landscape It symbolizes work.

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