Energy Saving with Artificial Intelligence Energy Mode in Samsung WindFree Air Conditioners
Continuing its innovations to make life at home more comfortable and sustainable, Samsung Electronics enables energy consumption to be reduced by up to 20 percent with artificial intelligence-supported air conditioning models in the SmartThings ecosystem. In addition to the energy saving feature of the Wi-Fi enabled WindFree Premium Plus Wall Mounted Air Conditioner, its heating and cooling features are strengthened with artificial intelligence support, providing a premium usage experience.
Conscious use and environmentally friendly energy consumption thanks to artificial intelligence
While the Wi-Fi connected WindFree Premium Plus Wall Mounted Split Air Conditioner offers users the opportunity to monitor and reduce energy usage, the Artificial Intelligence Energy mode, the energy saving feature of Samsung’s SmartThings ecosystem, learns and analyzes usage habits. It can also reduce energy consumption by up to 20% by adjusting the coolness and compressor frequency. Users can set their energy usage targets through the SmartThings application and specify their targeted monthly usage. When the targeted usage is reached, the SmartThings application sends a notification to the user. In this way, Samsung users can reduce their bills by saving energy, view and monitor their energy consumption, and contribute to sustainability goals with an environmentally friendly product experience.
Smart heating and cooling features powered by artificial intelligence
WindFree Premium Plus Wall Mounted Split Air Conditioner not only offers users energy saving options. Users also enjoy a smart lifestyle with the Artificial Intelligence Cooling feature, which optimizes various modes by analyzing indoor conditions and your usage habits. Depending on the user’s preferred temperature, the air conditioner selects the most appropriate mode to maintain optimum conditions, saving the user from wasting time with long adjustment steps and offering the ideal usage experience effortlessly.
The coolness of the house can be adjusted with the SmartThings app
Thanks to the SmartThings application, which adapts to the lifestyle at home, allows interconnected devices to be controlled via a single application, and takes the smart home experience to the next level, WindFree Premium Plus Wall Mounted Air Conditioner ensures that the coolness in the house can be managed at any time. Users can remotely control and monitor their air conditioners with a single touch via the SmartThings App on their mobile devices.
Taking the smart home experiences and savings opportunities offered by the SmartThings ecosystem further with artificial intelligence integrations, Samsung Electronics makes life at home more practical, comfortable and enjoyable with the innovations it develops by prioritizing sustainability and improving human life.