Threads Will Show Total Views of Posts

Threads Post Total Views

It was announced that a new addition has been made for Threads, which will show the total number of views of posts. Adam Mosseri, Head of Instagram, announced that the text-first social media app now displays total views for your posts, as well as likes, comments and reposts. what you want announced.

In his post, Mosseri says: “It’s important for people to understand how their Threads posts are performing, so you can check the total view count.” to view We are introducing the feature of touching any part of the post. “We have a lot more work to do, but I think this is a great first step in giving creators some of the data they want.”

One support document It means that the view counter appears at the top of your post in Threads. The mosser shall not be elaborated or to make the author can not be released or made to the author, or to make the author’s number of circuit deeds.

Let’s note at this point that Meta carries out a testing process for cross-sharing between Threads and Instagram.

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